30 Jun 2023 – 15 Oct 2023

Maria Lai. Il Pane del Cielo

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Where and when


30June 2023


15October 2023

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On the occasion of the Franciscan Centenaries, an exhibition bringing together forty works by the great Sardinian artist inspired by love for creation.

Exhibition Hours

PALAZZO DOSI DELFINI, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, Rieti
30 Giugno-15 Ottobre







Monday- Tuesday


Credits: Geografia per Giuliana, 1997 stoffa, filo, tempera. Collezione privata © Archivio Maria Lai by Siae 2023

The path entrusts fragile creations made of clay and stones, cloth and wood with a religious and social function expressed in simple words. Poems made of poor materials, works that, like the words of the Canticle of Creatures, embrace earth and sky, man and nature, mystery and revelation, and make us reflect on the power of universal love.

The exhibition draws inspiration from the artist’s ability to reinterpret in a contemporary key the example of Francis, creator of the timeless narrative of the Nativity scene created to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the first time, on Christmas in 1223 in a cave in Greccio.

The exhibition draws inspiration from the artist’s ability to reinterpret in a contemporary key the example of Francis, creator of the timeless narrative of the Nativity scene created to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the first time, on Christmas in 1223 in a cave in Greccio.

“I love the crib,” said Maria Lai, “as an experience of something that, the more I investigate its inexpressible, the more I find truth, the more childlike and naive I become, and the more I am reborn. (…) I love the crib -because it gathers us around the hope of a new world.”