2 Jun 2017

Visits, meetings and activities around the exhibition Ytalia

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Museo Novecento

The exhibition Ytalia. Energia Pensiero Bellezza planned at Forte Belvedere and other major city locations from June 2 to October 1, 2017 offers the opportunity to approach to the italian art of the 1900 thanks to the artworks of great artists who have indelibly marked the development.

The look at the works of our time will be intertwined with the artistic masterpieces that the city of Florence holds and offers every day to visitors from all over the world, starting with the spectacular architectures of the Medici fortress of San Giorgio, better known as Forte Belvedere, to reach the pure creations of the Pazzi Chapel in Santa Croce, the Sacello del Santo Sepolcro in San Pancrazio or the Tribuna delle Gallerie degli Uffizi. The dialogue between ancient and contemporary – intentional, thoughtful, measured, starting from the name Ytalia inherited from the thirteenth-century Cimabue in Assisi – will allow all visitors to remember how art really is the foundation of a sense and a common feeling.

VVisits to the exhibition
For young and adults

The visit allows to understand the major traits of the Medici fortress intertwining the architectures with the works of the exhibition Ytalia, which reunites and presents artworks of twelve great artists that have made the history of art of the italian 20th century: Mario Merz, Giovanni Anselmo, Jannis Kounellis, Luciano Fabro, Alighiero Boetti, Giulio Paolini, Gino De Dominicis, Remo Salvadori, Mimmo Paladino, Marco Bagnoli, Nunzio, Domenico Bianchi. The exposed artworks will allow the public to immerse in the meanders of art of our time deciphering the codes and approaching the poetics of their authors, in the belief that precisely in Italian art – from ancient to contemporary – sink the deepest roots of our civilization and, therefore, of our identity.

every Sunday at 3p.m, 4p.m and 5p.m
where: Forte di Belvedere

Ytalian monographies
Meetings-conferences for youngs and adults

The meetings will allow to retrace the life and production of twelve great artists at the exhibition, Mario Merz, Giovanni Anselmo, Jannis Kounellis, Luciano Fabro, Alighiero Boetti, Giulio Paolini, Gino De Dominicis, Remo Salvadori, Mimmo Paladino, Marco Bagnoli, Nunzio, Domenico Bianchi. The authors will be presented two by two, in an imaginary dialogue that will allow you to grasp analogies and peculiarities, offering the opportunity to approach the Italian art of the twentieth century and feel more familiar to it, removing the difficulties of approach and reading that the works of our time can create to the general public.

duration: 1h
Saturday June 27, July 15, July 29, August 26 and September 30 at 4.30p.m
Museo Novecento

Event Area