Where and when
Summer 2016
The experimentation of the Campus at the Museum promoted by the Tuscany Region continues and for the summer of 2016 the Florentine Civic Museums and the MUS Association. And – thanks to the support of Unicoop Florence – they propose four weeks to be comfortable with culture. During the campuses, children will be able to experience the city’s museums as hospitable and even familiar places, where they can spend their vacation days enjoying an innovative, engaging and “relaxed” cultural experience and thus combining well-being and learning.
Thanks to the collaboration with the Oblate Library it will also be possible to enjoy a Kit of books related to the topics of the different weeks.
13/17 June – Between art, theatre and nature: Jan Fabre
A week to familiarize yourself with the history of Forte Belvedere and the work of the total artist Jan Fabre, experimenting with the different artistic languages
Where: Forte di Belvedere
When: 13/17 June 2016
Who: for children from 6 to 10 years
20/23 June – Discovering the city’s museums
A week to feel the museums as “home”, appreciate the masterpieces and know every secret.
Where: Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Museo Novecento, Complesso di Santa Maria Novella, Museo Stefano Bardini (appointment every morning at Palazzo Vecchio)
When: 20/23 June 2016
29 August/2 September – Contemporary dance and performance
A week to immerse yourself in the contemporary and experience the endless possibilities of the performing arts
Where: Le Murate Contemporary Art Projects
When: 29 August/2 September 2016
5/9 September – Discover the city’s museums
A week to feel the museums as “home”, appreciate the masterpieces and know every secret.
Where: Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Museo Novecento, Complesso di Santa Maria Novella, Museo Stefano Bardini, Forte di Belvedere (appointment at Palazzo Vecchio)
When: 5/9 September 2016
Thanks to Regione Toscana, eduMUSEI, Municipality of FLORENCE, MUS.E and FLORENTINE CIVIC MUSEUMS