Where and when
Museo Novecento
In collaboration with the University of Florence (SAGAS department)
Students of history of contemporary art – Prof. Giorgio Bacci
Giorgio Verzotti
Art critic d’arte and curator
Thursday, November 21 Museo Novecento offers to the public a long afternoon of free events to welcome three new exhibitions – Michele De Lucchi. Earth stations, Sergio Limonta. The maximum with Minimum and Sustainable Thinking Evolution 3 – and share with the visitors an important mediation project and reflections on conteporary art of the critic and curator Giorgio Verzotti.
We start at 3.30p.m (until 6p.m) with From the classroom to the Museo. Lessons open to all, a project by Museo Novecento and the University of Florence (SAGAS department) that sees the students of the postgraduate course of contemporary art history by Professor Giorgio Bacci, studying during the academic year some works from the Alberto della Ragione Collection, exposed on the second floor of the Museo, and then giving back to the present public some short stories about the life and artworks of the many artists who compose it.
Giorgio Morandi, Mario Mafai, Fortunato Depero, Arturo Martini, Filippo De Pisis, Marino Marini, Enrico Prampolini, Renato Guttuso, Lucio Fontana, Felice Casorati these are the protagonists of the explications that the students will give back to the public that will intervene (The “lessons to all” are held simultaneously every 20 minutes and will be repeated twice from 3.30p.m to 6p.m).
At 5.30p.m, instead, at the conference “Balances. Possible notes on the current italian sculpture” of the art critic and curator Giorgio Verzotti, while at 6.30p.m has been fixed the opening of the list cicle of exhibition for the year 2019, which involves Michele De Lucchi. Earth stations, Sergio Limonta. The maximum with Minimum and Sustainable Thinking Evolution 3.