Where and when
Saturday 16 July at 9.00pm
Tre soldi d’opera
Show by Macchina del Tuono and Dance Performance.
Director: Lorenzo Degl’Innocenti. Vocal coach: Fabrizio Checcacci. With Gabriele Palloni, Carolina Gonnelli, Maria Rita Lungo, Lorenzo Alberti, Christian Lenzi, Marta Foschi, Lucia Buti, Enzo Pardeo, Giacomo Fabbio, Alessio Coluccia, Donatella Cantagallo, Olivia Fontani, Isabella Vezzosi, Alice Alzeni, Edoardo Zanobini, Francesca Cavezza. Choreography by Donatella Cantagallo, Enzo Pardeo and Gabriele Palloni.
In 1928 Bertold Brecht and Kurt Weill rewrote L’opera del mendicante, a satirical comedy written by John Gay in the eighteenth century, making it one of the most important works of the last century. For the events, the music and the ferocious description of the characters, this becomes a perfect narrative of the short century, predicting what would happen next to Europe and the rest of the world.
In the version presented here, the action moves into the America of the great crisis (operation already carried out by Giorgio Strehler), focusing on human misery and the moral decadence of the characters, which, albeit with sometimes comical effects, show the wickedness and opportunism of those who always manage to take advantage of the suffering of others. Between songs and choreographies, these figures, apparently without any morals and reminiscent in part of the disgusting ones of Ugly, dirty and bad Ettore Scola, suddenly manage to look into the eyes of the spectators, suggesting that you should not be too hard on those who make mistakes and letting emerge, in the midst of laughter, two important elements in Brecht’s poetics: conscience and thought.
The Thunder Machine was born as a container of artistic and educational projects and is dedicated to the production of shows and training courses. Among the projects carried out are Jazz on theatre, with Baker Vs Baker, the first of a series of experimental shows combining jazz and prose theater which was joined by In Contr’abbasso, a project that merges Suskind Mingus and Gaber; and Theater and memory, which aims to merge historical themes with the bright social theater and the song theater. In the summer of 2013 he organized for the City of Florence the festival Dreams in a summer night, minifestival of ‘small’ musical theater, with the proposal of shows of original dramaturgy. In 2014, Mecenando, a theatrical exhibition at the studio of the painter Ottone Rosai in Florence, and De Gustibus, an exhibition housed in the reduced hall of the Teatro Puccini
The Dance Performance School, founded by Donatella Cantagallo, Gabriele Palloni and Enzo Pardeo, acquired in 2001 the appearance of an Academy of performing arts, whose activity and structure are constantly evolving. Accredited to National Dance Council of America (NDCA) – Dance Master of America (DMA) – Dance Ballet Society – Pan American Teacher’s of Dance – Vancliffen Art Foundation, has collaborated and collaborates with Franco Miseria, Amelia Wanderlingh, Flaminia Buccellato, Nadia Fava, Roberto Sartori, Katiuscia Bozza, Gianluca Lanzillotta, Beppe Dati, Paolo Conticini, Christian De Sica, Alex La Rosa, Davide La Rosa, Laura De Mauro, Mattia Inverni, Paolo Barillari, Niccolò De Vito, Francesco Capodacqua directed by Francesco Ventriglia.