23 Sep 2019

Noi del Novecento

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From September to December a path for the elderly with Alzheimer’s at Museo Novecento

Back also for the autumn the cicle of appointment Noi del Novecento, dedicated to elderly with Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairment. In the belief that the meeting with art, history and culture is a bearer of deep wellness and a significance that even today is hard to frame, measure, define, the Florentine Civic Museums and MUS.E trasmit a big commitment towards of “special publics” and all “special people” that want to access museums, attend them, live them, understand them. This is the framework within wich the dialogue with people with Alzheimer and dementia is inserted – with their relatives and caregivers; a dialogue started years ago on the impulse of Regione Toscana – precursors the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and Museo Marino Marini – thanks to which over time the project Musei Toscani for Alzheimer has developed over all regional territory (http://www.regione.toscana.it/-/musei-toscani-per-l-alzheimer) and thanks to which Florentine Civic Museums saw a lot of elderly attend their rooms, get excited, observe, tell and remember.

Also in autumn, therefore, Museo Novecento opens his doors to the families and the RSA’s guests proposing a new path dedicated to the elderly with dementia and to the ones that take care of them. On Monday, September 23 we start with a presentation meeting for then take part to some appointments of attendance of the museum and its collections, so close to the biographical path of the elderly, that see the 20th Century as “their” century, and conclude with a sharing meeting of the path taken together. The meetings will be conducted by MUS.E mediators and by specialized geriatric operators and will take place following this schedule:

23 September at 3.30p.m: co-design meeting of the cicle of events

7 and 21 October, 4 and 18 November at 3.30p.m: cicle of meetings with the artworks of Novecento

2 December at 3.30p.m: final meeting

For who: people with dementia and their caregivers

Where: Museo Novecento, Santa Maria Novella square, 10 Florence

When: September 23, October 7 and 21, November 4 and 18, December 2 at 3.30p.m

Duration: 1h30’ each

We thank for the collaboration the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi

Event Area