Where and when
Museo Novecento
The sign of Tuscany – Year Two
The second stage of the fascinating journey into the heart of cinema undertaken by Gli Spostati, carried out in the company of directors, actors, screenwriters, cinematographers, Tuscan musicians, scenographers and costume designers who have been able to transpose into the cinematographic language the cultural and visual baggage assimilated by the history and tradition of their region.
The festival begins with a tribute to Giorgio Albertazzi, a great theatre actor occasionally lent to cinema, the unforgettable protagonist of one of Alain Resnais’ masterpieces. It continues with Franco Zeffirelli, director, screenwriter, costume designer and set designer of international fame, and with the award-winning costume designer Gabriella Pescucci. The protagonists of the month of October are therefore Paolo Virzì, one of the new masters of Italian comedy, together with his faithful screenwriter Francesco Bruni; Alessandro Benvenuti, actor, director and author – along with Ugo Chiti – of hilarious, mind-blowing and pungent comedies, that have formed a lively stable of Tuscan actors; and an actress of character as Laura Morante, recently passed to directing.
Sunday 4 September at 4.00pm
Last year in Marienbad
Screening of the film by Alain Resnais (France-Italy 1961, 95′).
With Giorgio Albertazzi, Delphine Seyrig, Sacha Pitoëff.
In a sumptuous and icy hotel in Central Europe, an insistent stranger tries to induce a young woman, under the eyes of her disturbing husband, to remember and keep the promise she had made to him the year before in Marienbad, to leave with him. A complex journey in memory begins for everyone, where past, present, reality and imagination intertwine without fully revealing themselves and all the questions remain unanswered. In the empty halls and in the geometric park of the hotel, the characters face each other as rigid as the statues, prisoners of appearance rather than of life. The “school of the gaze” of Alain Robbe-Grillet is transformed, in a shining black and white, into the elegant dream universe of Alain Resnais, Golden Lion in Venice.
Sunday 11 September at 4.00pm
Romeo e Giulietta (Romeo and Juliet)
Screening of the film by Franco Zeffirelli (Italy-Gb 1968, 138′). Screenplay: Franco Brusati, Masolino D’Amico, Franco Zeffirelli. With Leonard Whiting, Olivia Hussey, Michael York, John Mcenery.
The plot of the famous Shakespearean drama has had countless film adaptations. Zeffirelli’s performance comes from his successful theatrical performance at the Old Vic in London (1960). The choice of adolescent protagonists adds freshness and spontaneity to the narrative rhythm of the story, very faithful to the original text. The accuracy of the scenography, the costumes (by Danilo Donati) and the setting – the exteriors were shot in various Italian locations – combined with the splendor of Pasqualino De Santis’s photography, earned the film two Oscars and as many nominations, and a huge international success.
Sunday 25 September at 4.00pm
The age of innocence
Screening of the film by Martin Scorsese (USA 1993, 136′). With Daniel-Day Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder, Alexis Smith, Geraldine Chaplin.
In New York, towards the end of the nineteenth century, a young successful lawyer, engaged to a beautiful but conventional aristocrat, falls in love with her cousin, a free and eccentric woman recently returned from Europe where she abandoned her husband. The contrast between the two women reflects a puritan, conformist society, governed by rigid class formulas that compress individual feelings and choices, especially if female. The lawyer will realize the hypocrisy that surrounds him, but it will be too late, despite love, to give a new meaning to his life. A powerful fresco, Visconti, of the great Italian-American master, taken from the novel by Edith Wharton, embellished by the colors and shapes of the costumes of Gabriella Pescucci.
Sunday 2 October at 4.00pm
The good life
Screening of the film by Paolo Virzì (Italy 1994, 97′) Screenplay: Paolo Virzì, Francesco Bruni. With Sabrina Ferilli, Claudio Bigagli, Massimo Ghini, Emanuele Barresi.
In the Piombino of the nineties, where the disposal of part of the steelworks has already started, a sentimental triangle of not easy solution lights up: her husband is a metalworker who fell into depression due to the loss of his job, his wife is a cashier in a supermarket and dreams of a better life, his lover is the “star” of a local TV station. The film presents itself as a bittersweet comedy about proletarian bovarism, the son of a social unease analyzed and described with anthropological care and interpreted with intelligence. Marking Virzì’s directorial debut, the film immediately earned the Livorno director important national awards, in addition to the affection of the audience.
Sunday 16 October at 4.00pm
Ivo il tardivo
Screening of the film by Alessandro Benvenuti (Italy 1995, 107′). Screenplay: Ugo Chiti, Alessandro Benvenuti, Nicola Zavagli; with Alessandro Benvenuti, Francesca Neri, Sandro Lombardi, Daniele Trambusti, Davide Bechini, Lucia Ragni.
The 40-year-old Ivo is a mentally retarded, recently released from the asylum, who lives alone in an isolated farmhouse in the birthplace of Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni. He combines some trouble, but also creates, for natural talent, beautiful murals made of rebus and painting, which local schoolchildren visit willingly. Although stunned, he falls in love with the analyst of the good family Sara who convinces him to enter a community where he will make friends with other “crazy” like him. In the strange and painful fairy tale of Benvenuti and Chiti it is not easy to distinguish the “normal” and the bizarre itinerary of a meek fool can serve to identify the merits and defects of one another as well.
Sunday 23 ottobre at 4.00pm
Marianna Ucrìa
Screening of the film by Roberto Faenza (Italy-France 1997, 108′). Subject: Dacia Maraini. With Emmanuelle Laborit, Bernard Giraudeau, Laura Morante, Roberto Herlitzka, Philippe Noiret.
In the 18th century Palermo, the 13-year-old deaf-mute Marianna, of an aristocratic family, was forced to marry a rich relative, the elderly Duke Pietro, who made her a mother of five children. Only many years later will she discover the family violence that is at the origin of her disability, but in the meantime, sustained by the affection of her grandparents and her mother and by the teachings of a foreign tutor, who opens her mind to Enlightenment thought and the search for freedom, He is able to accept his own subordinate condition until he finds his own way to a possible emancipation. From the beautiful novel by Dacia Maraini, dried in the script phase, Faenza has obtained a rich film, well frescoed by the photography of Delli Colli and the scenes and costumes of Donati, as well as by the excellent interpretations among which emerges, albeit in a secondary role, That of Laura Morante.
The Association Gli Spostati has worked in recent years in collaboration with some public bodies (Municipality of Florence, Municipality of Fiesole, Tuscany Region, Regional Firm for the Right to Study) to identify spaces also not properly cinematographic where you can carry out initiatives and cultural events (from the courtyard of the Murate, to the halls and the altana of the Library of the Oblate; from Piazza SS. Annunziata, to the Limonaia of Villa Strozzi, to the Museo Novecento). The Association has resumed in part the activities that characterized the cultural proposals of the Alfieri Cinema, alongside the normal programming of art houses through thematic exhibitions for university students, retrospectives and meetings with the authors, special projects for children and the elderly, aimed at preserving and reviving the memory of cinema, the central art of the twentieth century that still suggests, today, themes and stories suitable for reflection on the contemporary world, contributing to arouse ever new aesthetic emotions.