Where and when
Saretto Cincinelli in dialogue with the artists on display
On the occasion of the Il Disegno del Disegno exhibition, which can be visited at the Museo Novecento until 28 February, the curator Saretto Cincinelli talks with some of the artists involved in the project, which brings together in a single exhibition Massimo Bartolini‘s’ seasonal ‘gardens, the sinopias’ posthumous’ by Antonio Catelani, the emergence of the figures in the forming gesture of the terracottas of Emanuele Becheri, the duplications evoking a short circuit between what has disappeared and what never stops re-emerging by Andrea Santarlasci; the infinite, minute signatures of Massimiliano Turco‘s marble pages, traces of a becoming that shows the sense of a mutant repetition.
These are flanked by the sculptures incorporating the design of her own material genesis by Daniela De Lorenzo, the self-portraits traced without ever looking at the sheet by Chiara Camoni, the extra-representative presentations of the Senza titolo (Chiasmi) and the Prosopopee of Carlo Guaita, the Atlas by Margherita Moscardini which, through an unprecedented performative display, shows multitudes aggregated in a public space from which the architectures are subtracted and, finally, the black and white photographs by Paolo Meoni and Giulia Cenci, a sort of instantaneous drawings that in the their platitude restore the abstract internal rhythm of a natural scenario or play the role of preparatory notes and sketches evoking works to come.
Thanks to the analysis of practices that are also very different from each other, the talk will allow you to deepen the reflection on design, no longer understood as a project but as a process. In line with the concept of the exhibition, the meeting does not intend to model a perspective of the gaze, but to suggest the unsettling reinterpretation of pre-established categories, to bring to the fore, in addition to the verb being of individual individual productions, the plural occurrence of an event.