19 Feb 2019

Guest. Luca Scarlini

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Where and when

19February 2019



Museo Novecento

Free admission subject to availability

Deadline 1968: the old and the young. Van Dongen – Foujita

In the mid-1960s, the Roaring Twenties were rediscovered as an admirable era, while musicals such as Cabaret flocked and there are countless biographies of the major icons of the period, such as the couple Fitzgerald or Hemingway. Van Dongen and Fouijita bear the greatest signs of that “wild” moment, wild disorder of the senses depicted in art, first of all those connected to the presence of beautiful women in their works, where the portrait is always an emblem of autobiography. The meeting will therefore be an opportunity to draw the portrait of two lions of international Paris, who had gone from their homeland to the Ville Lumière, to look for each other and get lost.

Luca Scarlini

He is a writer, playwright for theater and music, performance artist, storyteller. He teaches narrative techniques at the Holden School in Turin and has collaborated with numerous Italian and European theatrical institutions, including the National Theater in London, the Lod company in Ghent, the Festival Opera XXI in Antwerp, La Batie and the theater amstramgram in Geneva. He writes for music and dance: from 2004 to 2008 he was artistic consultant for the MilanOltre festival at the Teatro dell’Elfo in Milan. He has extensive activity as a storyteller alone and alongside musicians, dancers and actors, in theaters, museums and historical places. Voce di Radio Tre, led the National Museum program, curated exhibitions on the relationship between art, music, theater and fashion. Among his recent books are noteworthy Lustrini for the kingdom of heaven (Bollati Boringhieri), Sacre parades (Guanda), Michael Jackson’s syndrome (Bompiani), Andy Warhol superstar (Johan and Levi), Siviero against Hitler (Skira), Memories of a work of art (Skira), Theaters of love (Nottetempo).

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