20 Jun 2022

In front of the Quarto Stato and the Pace in Kiev

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Special appointments at Palazzo Vecchio
in front of the masterpieces of Pellizza da Volpedo and Antonio Canova

Icon of the history of Italian art, Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo’s Il Quarto Stato is extraordinarily visible in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio until next June 30, thanks to a project that sees the institutional collaboration between the Municipality of Milan and the Municipality of Florence and, more specifically, between the Museo del Novecento in Milan and the Museo Novecento in Florence. A few tens of meters further on, in the Sala Leone X, another masterpiece is temporarily placed, arrived in Florence from the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca Museum in Possagno, or the plaster version of Antonio Canova’s La Pace, a famous marble sculpture kept in the Museum. National Khanenko of Kiev.

Museo Novecento offers the public a triptych of events, curated by MUS.E, dedicated to the two works. The public will thus have the opportunity to appreciate technical and stylistic details and to grasp their scope and historical, artistic and cultural context. There will be three appointments: Monday 20, Friday 24 and Monday 27 June at 5 pm.

Inspired by the strong social and economic changes taking place in the last decades of the nineteenth century, the group of peasants who advances in the painting by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo brings with them the hope that has always inspired the new and the commitment to a future that transcends the contingent to wear the universal. On the other hand, the artist, nourished by the most innovative techniques and artistic languages, had for some time looked at social equilibrium, the world of work and the relationship between city and countryside through sketches, cartoons and paintings – suffice it to recall Fiumana, today at the Pinacoteca di Brera – converging towards this incredible and immense masterpiece. It is in fact a canvas three meters high by over five meters wide, which brings to the stage a group of figures that advance quietly, composed and yet confident towards a diffused and warm light, symbol of a new role of workers in the society and more generally of a new future, permeated with trust in man and in history. If the composition, volumes, figures and gestures show a constructive excellence, it is the rendering of lights and colors – wisely modulated thanks to a mature, soft and infinitely varied pointillist technique – that gives the painting a harmony and power. extraordinary, which still today, after more than a century, make the characters in front of us alive and present.

The visit continues in the room of Leo X, where the city of Florence welcomed La Pace by Antonio Canova, the famous plaster version of the marble kept inside the Khanenko National Museum in Kiev and currently hidden to protect it from the bombing of the war between Russia. and Ukraine. The plaster model of Canova’s La Pace finds hospitality in the heart of Palazzo Vecchio and becomes a means of ensuring contemplation of the sculptor’s masterpiece, otherwise denied by the conflict. The event takes on further artistic and political resonance as it confronts the large canvas by Pellizza da Volpedo a short distance away. The exhibition, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, was created thanks to the collaboration between the Museo Novecento and the Gypsotheca Antonio Canova Museum in Possagno and is organized by MUS.E with Contemplazioni.

For whom: for young people and adults.
When: Monday 20, Friday 24 and Monday 27 June at 5pm.
Where: Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Piazza Signoria 1, Florence
Duration: 50 minutes
Costs: € 2.50 (residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence) or € 5.00 (non-residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence) in addition to the museum entrance ticket; free for holders of the Card del Fiorentino (within the limit of three annual visits); 2×1 Unicoop Firenze members.

The double date is made possible thanks to the invaluable support of GIOTTO – love brand di F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini, Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella, Unicoop Firenze e di Tenderly, brand di Lucart Spa.