9 May 2022

“Contemporary Art. Between the two wars” by Alessandro Del Puppo

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9May 2022



Museo Novecento

Free Entry


Alessandro Del Puppo


Giorgio Bacci

Professor of History of Contemporary Art

Sergio Risaliti

Free Entry

Contemporary art between the two world wars will be the protagonist in the cinema room of the Museo Novecento in Florence on the occasion of the presentation of the book by Alessandro del Puppo Contemporary Art. Between the two wars, Monday, May 9 at 6:00pm. The meeting, lasting approximately 90 minutes, will take place in the presence of the author and the Director of the Novecento Museum, Sergio Risaliti, together with Giorgio Bacci, professor of Contemporary Art History at the Florentine University.

The book, published by Carocci, deals with the multiple phenomena of critical revision of the avant-gardes, the changes in the market, the migrations of artists, the continuity of experimentation through new techniques, new media and the consequent new languages. Not forgetting the intertwining with historical facts such as the emanation of a regime art in totalitarian countries, the establishment of artistic programs with a social background in the Americas, the progressive recognition of women artists and the difficult graft of modernism in emerging countries.

Alessandro Del Puppo

He studied Art History at the University of Udine and at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and then began teaching it, in the various courses of the Friulian University where he is also coordinator of the PhD in History of art, cinema, audiovisual media and music.
A scholar of the writings of Futurism and the works of Italian artists especially from the first half of the twentieth century, he has also curated some exhibitions on Italian sculpture (such as “Modigliani sculptor” created in collaboration with Flavio Fergonzi at the MART in Rovereto in 2010).

Event Area

Jacopo Manara


Costanza Savelloni


Giulia Spissu