6 Dec 2015

The Domenica Metropolitana of 6 December 2015

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Where and when

6December 2015


10:00 – 18:00

The #DomenicaMetropolitana in December presents, thanks to the usual support of Giotto-FILA and the extraordinary support of Rivoire, a wide range of visits and activities in the Florentine Civic Museums.

. Among these are the proposals on the exhibitions The prince of dreams. Joseph in the Medici tapestries of Pontormo and Bronzino and Jeff Koons. In Florence and the initiatives centered on the themes of water and fountains in the Medici age, conceived and realized thanks to the support of Publiacqua. Sunday also inaugurates the paths related to the Christmas holidays, that is Corte in festa and Squisita scoperta. The Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Chocolate Road; as well as the guided tours of the Bartali Museum (via Chiantigiana 173). On the occasion of the release of the first volume of the cycle Piccole storie di colori, published by Topipittori, the workshop dedicated to Rosso will also be proposed for the day.

The Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi also adheres to the day by proposing at 12.00 the appointment Let’s talk about art, a conversation on display (maximum 15 participants) on the occasion of the exhibition Divine Beauty between Van Gogh, Chagall and Fontana: the activity is free with a fee.

Visit to the Museo

 all, 10+
time: 3.00p.m
duration: 1h15’

The visits allow you to retrace back the twentieth century by identifying the movements, poetics and artists that have marked the decades. Starting from the 1988 Venice Biennale, intended as the first recognition of the young Florentines De Lorenzo, Guaita and Catelani, the route revives the tensions and ideals of the seventies and sixties – with great works such as the Superarchitettura by Archizoom and Adolfo Natalini or the Plurimo by Emilio Vedova – and then delve into the central years of the twentieth century, richly represented thanks to the donations of important artists and collectors (among them Alberto Della Ragione, in whose collection stand out masterpieces by De Chirico, Sironi, Casorati, Depero, Morandi, Martini) and reach the dawn of the century, animated by the first impulses of the international avant-garde.

Total work of art

: families with children aged 4 to 7
duration: 1h15’

The path allows younger children to approach the arts of the twentieth century with a transversal look, participatory and inclusive. The itinerary focuses on selected works, such as the continuous installation by Paolo Masi, the colourful architecture by Superstudio, the painting made of gestures and colours by Emilio Vedova, the sculptures by Martini, Pitti’s high-style fashion and the musical experiments of Grossi and Chiari, which will be the occasion for a multisensory meeting with the arts. In the second part of the activity, children, divided into small groups, will work to give shape to a “total work of art” that brings together their collective experience by interweaving the different artistic languages.

Please note that all guided tours and activities are free for citizens resident in the metropolitan city of Florence and booking is mandatory. At the time of booking it is possible to reserve only one appointment during the day for a maximum of 5 people.

Event Area